Tag Archives: Feels

Day Made

Today I gave my first real speech – information in proper format, PowerPoint, note cards, visual aid, all under 7 minutes, which for me is a challenge. I was pretty nervous, but I went up in front of my class and did my thing. My speech was on swing dancing and I demonstrated a bit in my 1940’s attire. I got all the points and sat down happily and listened to everyone else’s speech. After everyone had gone, and we were all packing up to leave, a guy in my class gave me this. I didn’t even know what to say. It’s just so perfect. It even kind of looks like anime. I think I’m more excited about it than the good grade I got on my speech.

Swing Sketch


What We Do

I would like to thank Louis Armstrong for his continuing inspiration and beautiful voice. I would like to thank ukuleles for the happiness they bring the world. Tea for keeping my soul warm on the coldest days. Fuzzy blankets for the constant support. Breakfast food for always being such a comfort. And this bloke for putting a smile on my face.



Thoughts of Last Year

2014 was the year lots of things changed. I made the transfer from homeschooling my whole 16 years of existence to college. Friendships died, blossomed, and grew. I got my first job and started earning my own money. I bought a computer and got my first smart phone. I got into (really into) a Korean TV show. I traveled to Mexico for the first time. I became the only child at home. I planned and cooked meals for 3 months. I got my hair cut short. I helped start a band and performed in cafes and in a competition. I discovered the beauty of my own city. I started volunteering on my own. I became a local freak.

2014 was a bitter sweet year. I’d say it was one the the worst years of my life and also one of the best. I had to deal with stress, pain, and directionless-ness. I learned decided how I would deal with each of these. I decided who to turn to. Myself, others, or God. I further recognized the need of a savior.

I suppose, instead of changing into someone else, I’ve changed more into myself.


Christmas Movies

So a friend and I have a list of movies to watch over Christmas break. (Which I’m so looking forward to. No school! And for me, no work either! I literally can’t do any work. So many crafts. And I love giving people things. But I digress…) Christmas movies. For Christmas break. They made me start thinking. Christmas movies don’t need to be about Christmas, or even set in the Christmas season. They just need to give you certain feelings. Feelings that make you want to smile. That intrigue you, but make you content at the same time. Feelings that make you want to snuggle with blankets. Feelings that make you sleepy, but energized at the same time. Classic, yet new. Old, yet hopeful. That’s what makes a Christmas movie, and hey, that’s what makes Christmas too.

An Important Lesson

Photo on 9-11-14 at 2.29 PMSo the other day I failed a quiz. Completely and utterly failed it. For me, a competitive spirit, that was hard. I took one look at the statistic questions and knew I couldn’t do it. In my defense, the teacher hadn’t even assigned homework on the material covered in the quiz. So I sat there and turned my mind towards the questions I could answer. “God, calm my nerves” was my prayer. Fighting back tears I tried to do what I could until my professor came over and said, “You’re out of time.”

The funny thing is, I have don’t think I have ever failed before. Not in school. Not in anything. Sure, I’ve messed some things up, but I’ve never failed. One of my job interview questions was “tell me about a time you’ve failed. What did you do about it and what did you learn from it?” I didn’t really have a good answer. I guess I do now. Well, I failed a test because I didn’t do the homework because it wasn’t assigned yet. I studied like crazy. And I learned to ALWAYS overachieve. Okay, maybe not overachieve, but work hard.

Honestly, I think this failure was a good wake up call. A call saying “Hey. Yeah, you’re smart but don’t slack! You can still mess up. You can even fail. But you can get back up again.”