Tag Archives: Dancing

Spring Banquet 2014

What a way to party out my last Hallstrom school year. Getting ready with my drama twins, pictures at Sinnissippi, dinner at Olive Garden and dance time! I have to say it was one of my favorite dances I’ve been too. Turn Down For What three times, I think yes. Glow sticks, heck yeah! So much happy. But the party didn’t end there. Sleepover and brunch with the gang (that included a nap time) and a graduation party the next day. One of my favorite weekends so far this year. Oh, summer will be so great.


White Out Prom

Yep. Prom happened. Grand old time again. So much has happened since last year. Little things and big things. This year, for example, I actually know how to curl my own hair and pin it up fairly well.

Also, downtown Rockford is a pretty kicky place once you can get over the fear of being shot.

I had a great time hanging out with these people (some of them for the first time). Besides, who doesn’t like dressing up, taking pictures, eating fabulous chocolate and pizza, and dancing?

(Shout out to Joanna Kay for taking the photos and making my dress! I might have sewed a few seams too.)


Teaching Swing

I started swing dancing when I was eight years old. I remember the first time I went to the swing club here in town. I wore my fanciest outfit, curled my hair and put on my magnet butterfly earrings. I was going to a ball like a princess. Of course I was completely overdressed and the youngest one on the dance floor. I entered the rotation and oddly enough wasn’t shy. I wasn’t really a shy kid, but I was afraid of new things. My fear never held me back, but I would obsess a bit too much about trying something new. I didn’t like unfamiliar places or meeting “non-homeschoolers”. I didn’t know how to act around “other people”. But dancing was different. It allowed me to connect with people in a chill, interactive, focused way. That first time I went, I got asked to dance by a stranger and I couldn’t have been more happy.

As I grew up, I continued to go dancing. As I think back on it, I think dancing was essential to my social maturity especially where guys are concerned. Dancing with guys made it possible for me to get familiar with guys. Learning to dance is more than just learning to dance. When you dance, you learn how to make small talk and interact physically in a totally unawkward way with the opposite gender. Dancing teaches you self-confidence, respect, and team work. Because of its social vibe, I would recommend swing dancing to anyone.

Seven years later, I taught my first swing dancing class. This year last semester I started a beginners swing class at the co-op I go to. More learning for me. I had to learn how to teach. I had to make a syllabus, plan lessons, get songs, work out the social issues between students, figure out how to teach high-schoolers rhythm and frame. And in that process, I became a better dancer myself. I originally was just going to teach for the fall semester, but all the students wanted another semester. Lindy it is, folks! I can’t wait. Over part of last semester and Christmas break, I learned over fifteen new moves.

I also taught my first private swing lesson to two middle-aged couples. Teaching dancing to teenagers is a lot different than teaching married older couples. A lot different. It’s hard having authority with your elders. It’s an interesting balance of respect and command.

Teaching swing and dancing  are some of my favorite parts of the week and it has taught me so many things. I wouldn’t give it up.

So go learn some moves. Go have a ball.