Category Archives: Musings of the Mind

Time to Embrace Love

Normally Valentine’s Day is about giving to those you love. But as I think upon those things I can’t stop thinking about how much I’m blessed. Especially through my fiance. God has given me her and with her, so many wonderful things. So this Valentine’s Day I’m going to receive with open arms. -Vince

Vince is engaged to marry Kate in June. He is one of the sweetest men I know: always buying Kate little gifts, writing her notes, and generally being kind to everyone. Above was his status update for February 13. When I read it, I was struck. Not many men would think of such a thing, much less write it down.

His words inspired me to embrace the things I love. Chocolate and flowers are wonderful, don’t get me wrong. But wouldn’t you rather spend hours with the one you love than get those things? Wouldn’t you rather someone hold you close and say, “I am so thankful I have you” than get handed a Hallmark card and stuffed animal? I know I sure would. That’s how I would choose to give love. But how would you? Maybe you would prefer chocolate (or both 🙂 ). You see, when it comes down to it, it’s not how or what we give to people but how we receive from people that matters. Receiving someone else’s love unselfishly, gratefully is so so important. Why? Because people show love in different ways. What means the most to me isn’t what means the most to other people. Someone could be showing me what he/she considers the highest form of love, and I could completely miss it.

Fnd out how the people you love show love and respond to that love. Acknowledge with praise and thankfulness the love they have shown even if that act wasn’t amazing to you. Because someone just opened their heart to you. Someone wanted to show you how much they care. Show them you noticed and go along with whatever they planned even if it doesn’t sound exciting to you. Because that’s what love is all about. It’s about the other person.

So let this Valentine’s Day mark when you receive the love you have been given with open arms and try not to let it go.

Wait… Christian and Evolutionist?

This is actually a research paper I wrote last year, but with the recent talk about the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, I thought this would be fitting to post.

Many people know I’m a Christian. In fact, I would say, every person that has had a conversation with me knows that. Growing up in a strong Christian home, I accepted Christ into my life at a young age and I have gone to church every Sunday. I remember loving Sunday school and Veggietales and worship songs and flannel graphs and the rest that comes with being a church kid. But I also remember something else about going to church. When I was young, that something was a sort of haze. I didn’t really understand it, but I knew it was there hanging over everything. It was in the demeanor of others – something in the way they treated my family. It was some sort of cold attitude. It would get heavier and heavier until my family would leave that church and try another. Continue reading

Playlist to Victory

I get very into music. If the song is sad, I get serious or cry. If it’s happy, I prance about and make tea. If it’s powerful, I get all bad attitude. If it’s a swing song on, I want to dance. Well let’s be honest, I want to dance if it’s any song (except for a country one). To sum up, I feel music.

When I’m depressed there are a few songs that are my jam, my girl power, my victory dance music, and my “it’s okay” melodies. I thought I’d share some of them. So if you’re having a rough day, or even just want to feel fabulous, here you go!

1. Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys

2. This Thing Is Not Going To Break You by Christa Wells

3. King of Anything by Sarah Bareilles

4. I’ll Make a Man out of You from Mulan

5. I Feel Pretty the Sarah Vaughan version

6. Dirty by Audio Adrenaline

7.  Happy by Pharrell Williams

8. Express Yourself the Labyrinth version

9. My Favorite Things from the Sound of Music

10. Moon by Sleeping at Last

Today I Am

So I’m back from Hawaii (post on that later). It was great. Not the sunshine, breezes, beaches, and rainbows, but the people. Everyone I met or got to know better was just great. And then I come back home. I come from 85 degrees to 35. I come from constant glistening rays of sun to a week of dreary rain. I come from feeling useful and appreciated to feeling, well useless and really meaningless. School, yay. Who cares?

IMG_0010Obviously, I don’t want to feel that way. So I’m doing something about it. Everyday I’m going to wake up and give myself an identity such as “today I am an athlete” and then go through the day with that identity in mind. Yes, it does sound dumb. But it helps, so I’m sticking to it. It’s all very humbling. Anyway, yesterday I was a baker. So I made some apple crisp to share with my friends at bible study and church. Today I was accomplishing. I drove through school, did a craft, made dinner, practiced my lines for my play, cleaned my room, and listened to a Christmas song. *gasp* I know I should wait until after Thanksgiving, but it was just so tempting. So I listened to one and that’s it.