Category Archives: Musings of the Mind

Thoughts of Last Year

2014 was the year lots of things changed. I made the transfer from homeschooling my whole 16 years of existence to college. Friendships died, blossomed, and grew. I got my first job and started earning my own money. I bought a computer and got my first smart phone. I got into (really into) a Korean TV show. I traveled to Mexico for the first time. I became the only child at home. I planned and cooked meals for 3 months. I got my hair cut short. I helped start a band and performed in cafes and in a competition. I discovered the beauty of my own city. I started volunteering on my own. I became a local freak.

2014 was a bitter sweet year. I’d say it was one the the worst years of my life and also one of the best. I had to deal with stress, pain, and directionless-ness. I learned decided how I would deal with each of these. I decided who to turn to. Myself, others, or God. I further recognized the need of a savior.

I suppose, instead of changing into someone else, I’ve changed more into myself.


Bop to the Top


School is almost done, and I find myself thinking of how much I have. I have a great college. The perfect college job, the perfect amount of down time. Yes, there are crazy, hard things to get through (mostly statistics), but life is so good. And, although B is for bad, it’s not the end of the world.

Plus I’ve been able to join part of the Engagement Team for Transform Rockford. I’m greatly looking forward to directing some energy there.

A few other great things happened just today. I have been thinking of joining student government at Rock Valley College, and today two of the board members at different times invited me to join!

Also today I randomly felt that I should offer my house to host some InterVarsity event over Christmas break. Before I could tell one of the leaders, an opportunity arose without me bringing it up. It just goes to show what an open mind and heart can do. Be ready and listen for God’s voice. Don’t be anxious. You’re where you are for a reason. God has your back. And everything else.

Why YOU are making Rockford miserable.

20140411_JKW_00018-162Welcome to Rockford. Home to over 150,000 people making it the 3rd largest city in Illinois. You know what it’s also 3rd in? Most miserable cities to live in. Seriously, Forbes rated Rockford the 3rd most miserable city in America to live in. It’s also the 9th most dangerous city in all of America ( Unemployment rate is 11% according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. I am one of 150,251 people to call this place home.

I’ll admit, it is pretty miserable. Going downtown is kind of a no-no because of the crime and the lack of anything to do. For the rest of Rockford, the main attractions are bowling, the movies and going to our one mall. 150,251 people and only one mall… and it’s never crowded. I’ve lived here 15 years and have grown up longing for the day I leave so I can go to a “real town”.

Then things changed. I did the unthinkable and went downtown. Honestly some of my friends are not even allowed to go downtown because of its reputation. But I went. I forget the reason. I think it was to try a chocolate shop I heard about. I was amazed. I felt like I was meeting my childhood city for the first time. Instead of watching my back and hurriedly trying to get out of downtown, I took the time to look up. To look at the buildings. To go into the shops. To eat at the restaurants. To talk to the people. I discovered art, music, entertainment, history, dance that I had no idea existed.  And I fell in love.

When my friends would say, “there’s nothing to do in Rockford”, I would interject and tell them that Rockford isn’t all that bad. I realized the curse that Rockfordians are under. We’re told that we’re the 3rd worst. We’re told we are miserable. That there is nothing to do. That we’re hopeless. And these are presented as facts. Most people I know dream of leaving, and they never know the beautiful city they’re missing that is so much alive.

See, most people believe there’s nothing to do in Rockford, but have YOU ever looked for anything to do in Rockford? Have you ever explored? See the government and news is wrong about so many things, yet we believe the things they say about Rockford without question. Okay so statistics say that Rockford is miserable, but truly, it’s the people that are miserable. In the great words of Rockford Art Deli’s tee shirt: Rockford doesn’t suck, you do! That may sound harsh, but can you really expect Rockford to be any better when the good people in it do nothing to better it? In Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter from a Birmingham jail, he expressed his disappointment, not with the white extremists, but with the white moderates. As he put it, “Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.” In other words, good people who do nothing about a problem are worse than people who are completely opposed to a change.

Rockford needs to change. It can’t keep going the way it has been. But what is a town if not the people it’s made of? We as Rockfordians need to change. We need to step up and out to fix the many problems our town has. Yes, Rockford might not be something to be proud of, but Rockford is you. Are YOU something to be proud of?

See, like Dr. King, we are fighting a battle for freedom. But not freedom from people or from government, but from ourselves. We are our biggest captors. We are our deepest nemesis. We need to realize that it is we and only we that can change the way things are. It is up to us to support businesses, to discover the organizations trying to make a change, to learn about the very town we live in, and to take the steps of courage towards a better Rockford, a better future, and better individuals. Are YOU willing to change for Rockford?

Get involved:

Discover new places:


5 Steps to Forgiveness

I think we all know forgiveness is a process. But it’s hard to know where to begin. A friend really helped me to forgive, and here are some helpful tips I discovered through my process.

1) Write it down.

Write down anything and everything that person, church, organization ever did wrong towards you. This is the venting part of the process. Get it all out, and put it on paper.

2) Pray For a Change of Heart

As soon as you are getting frustrated, pray. Even before you’re upset. Never stop praying through this whole process. Forgiveness is more about changing yourself than the perpetrator. So keep praying that God will change your heart towards that person.

3) Pray For Your Enemies

Pray for the people you need to forgive. Pray that their heart will change, pray for their hearts. Pray for their day. Pray that it’ll go well. These prayers are really really hard. Start off simple. Mine started off something like this: “God, I don’t want to do this, but be with them. Help them.”

4) Be Extra Kind to Them

No, not to kill them with kindness, but to kill yourself. Dying to yourself is the only way to fully love others. When I found myself getting upset with the people I was bitter towards, I would do something out of my way to make their life better. It’s about humbleness.

5) Wait on the Lord

Sometimes you just need to wait. Okay, oftentimes you just need to wait. Keep doing what’s right and keep loving. God’s there, and he will help you. Bitterness is a nasty infection, and it talks a long time to be cured. But remember, you’re the one who is sick. Your bitterness does not affect others as much at it negatively affects you.

Jumping In

So college. That’s a thing. There’s classes. Planning ahead. Studying. Scheduling meetings. Working. Joining clubs. Extra credits. And the amazing thing is there’s time for it all. Well, if I don’t check facebook every two minutes. Or browse pinterest for an hour. Or catch up on Parks and Rec. There are so many things I’m passionate about. So many things I want to do.

Photo on 10-8-14 at 6.39 PM






It’s hard. It’s hard to make things happen. To figure things out. To understand things. But I don’t have to figure it all out. I just have to be ready. Jump in. Into the unknown. Into the strangeness of a new job or opportunity. Once I’m in, I have to swim. So in I go – sometimes without knowing really anything or thinking things through. I ask one question: “Is this a good thing?” If yes, I do it. If no, I don’t. It makes life much simpler. For instance, I would probably never have applied for the job I have now in the college bookstore if I had thought about it. Numbers. Everywhere. I’m dyslexic. Meaning, I mix up numbers and words in my brain. It may say 42, but I read 24. That’s a problem, and it’s also what I have to deal with every time I go to work. Amazingly, I’m doing okay. I’m learning how to cope with myself and correct mistakes. (Plus now I get discounts at the store. Hello fabulous sweats!) ((So when I was proofreading this, I thought “discounts” was doughnuts. Now I want doughnuts.))

Photo on 10-8-14 at 6.36 PM

In a few days, I’m meeting with someone about volunteering for an organization I want to help with. I have no idea who this person is or what the meeting is about. I’m just going to show up and see what happens. Now that I think about it, that’s kind of how I write. I just jump in and see where it takes me. Apparently this is where I went today.