There are very few things that I will put off to the bitter end; there are very few things that I absolutely detest doing. These are three of those things. Actually, these are the only three that I can think of.
1) Vacuuming. I really hate vacuuming. I think this goes back to those times when I was five or so and had to hull our 20lb vacuum around the house. It was hard. But then the wheels on the vacuum we currently have went kaput sever years back. So not only does it weigh as much as an elephant, but it also refuses to move in any sort of rational manner. I tell you, this vacuum has it out for me. Every time I use it, I get a bruise somewhere. I would rather do any house chore over vacuuming. And don’t even think about asking me to vacuum the stairs… it sucks.
2) Making my bed. I don’t mind the simple task of tidying up my comforter each morning, although, that’s a bit cumbersome. I’m referring to the process of putting the sheets on the bed. My bed has always been in the corner of my room, whatever room that might be. This means the half of the bed isn’t in open access. How is one supposed to tuck the corners in? I mean, I can move the bed away from the wall a bit. But it’s heavy. As with the vacuum, bruises. My bed frame is made of wood. With sharp corners. Plus I think my actual mattress is made of rocks. I also hate making my bed because it’s extremely unsatisfying. My covers never seem to stay on my bed. So I spend all this time trying to fix it up and tucking and pulling and then they all just fall off. Every. Single. Time.
3) Taking a shower. Yes, I know it’s a bit gross, but I really hate showers. I will put off taking a shower to the very last minute. Which basically means until I completely smell in the summer and until my hair is a grease pit in the winter. So roughly every three days. I have a system see, I wear my hair down the first and maybe second day, then I’ll curl it, then I’ll wear it up or put a hat on for the last day. I’m really looking forward to sonic showers. I don’t like anything about the current bathing process. It’s itchy, soap get’s in your eyes, shaving is a drag, plus you have to dry off which takes forever, and the whole thing leaves me feeling like a wet moldy sponge all day. Now that is gross.