This is a timed essay I had to write about the the phrase “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. I had 25 minutes to think of examples of that quote in my life, write the paper and edit it. Sadly, creativity was compromised with the time constants.
I find the quote “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” true in my own life as seen by three examples.
Probably the best two examples of this quote being reflected in my life are when I was on a missions trip to Mongolia last summer. I had never been out of the country or experienced jet lag, save for an hour or two, before I went on the trip. On the flight, I stayed awake the whole time: twenty-five hours in all. Needless to say, I was completely drained of all my energy afterward. However, this hardship was overcome with a night’s sleep. I became stronger over the rest of the trip because I had conquered that feat.
During that same trip, I became very sick with the local flu. I began throwing up and having diarrhea. My parents weren’t there, so naturally I was having a hard time coping with the sickness. I had been paranoid about throwing up for a long time; however, after I got that flu, I was no longer afraid of throwing up once I returned home. This second example shows how overcoming this sickness made me a stronger person.
One last example of the quote pertaining to my life is my dyslexia. With dyslexia, my brain mixes up numbers and letters in my head making it hard to read, write and do math. This discouraged me from ever doing school. I never wanted to read aloud or write in a card because I was ashamed and afraid people would laugh at my poor pronunciation and bad spelling. However, over the years, through perseverance and lots of hard work, I now am able to read on grade level, and though my spelling is still not perfect, I have gotten better. This hard work in school has rubbed off on all of my activities, making me a strong person who perseveres through tough times.
These three examples show how the quote “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” runs true in my own life. This is one of my favorite quotes, and it helps to encourage me whenever I am feeling hopeless.