Will you walk with me…
On my journey? I don’t know what’s ahead, but I know the way. It will be hard, though it must be. Will you come? It’ll be crazier than I can imagine. Scarier than I care to entertain. But it will be better than anything that has come.
Will you walk with me…
When my spirits are high? The road is easy. The water fresh. I know where I’m going. Filled with hope, I take step after assured step. Will you sing with me? Let’s join with the birds and the babbling brook as we go, so light almost leaping.
Will you walk with me…
When the road gets rough? When I no longer know the way, by my side will you stay? The brook is gone. The birds are silent. Sing with me still, for ahead we will have our fill. The rain pours down washing away the trail. Again and again I try to press on and fail.
Will you walk with me…
When I no longer can go on. When my feet are bruised and eyes shut with exhaustion, will you lend me a hand? Encourage me; together we will find a way. Help me up, and I will stand Remind me of where we head.
Will you walk with me…
When you no longer believe in me? There is no sign of hope ahead. “Turn back,” you say, but I press on instead. Will you follow when all faith is lost? Will you let me remind you of a life almost forgot? Walk hand in hand with me as we blindly press on.
Will you walk with me…
When one day we at last make it. All hope fulfilled, all dreams true. Sing with me forevermore surrounded by the other faithful few. Joy at last is seen face to face, rejoicing on in this place. No more pain will reign our lives. Only peace will be proclaimed.
One day this is where we will forever be. One day we will see. And all the times that seem lost, will become a small cost.
But for now…
Will you walk with me?
Yes, that’s what family is for!