Jumping In

So college. That’s a thing. There’s classes. Planning ahead. Studying. Scheduling meetings. Working. Joining clubs. Extra credits. And the amazing thing is there’s time for it all. Well, if I don’t check facebook every two minutes. Or browse pinterest for an hour. Or catch up on Parks and Rec. There are so many things I’m passionate about. So many things I want to do.

Photo on 10-8-14 at 6.39 PM






It’s hard. It’s hard to make things happen. To figure things out. To understand things. But I don’t have to figure it all out. I just have to be ready. Jump in. Into the unknown. Into the strangeness of a new job or opportunity. Once I’m in, I have to swim. So in I go – sometimes without knowing really anything or thinking things through. I ask one question: “Is this a good thing?” If yes, I do it. If no, I don’t. It makes life much simpler. For instance, I would probably never have applied for the job I have now in the college bookstore if I had thought about it. Numbers. Everywhere. I’m dyslexic. Meaning, I mix up numbers and words in my brain. It may say 42, but I read 24. That’s a problem, and it’s also what I have to deal with every time I go to work. Amazingly, I’m doing okay. I’m learning how to cope with myself and correct mistakes. (Plus now I get discounts at the store. Hello fabulous sweats!) ((So when I was proofreading this, I thought “discounts” was doughnuts. Now I want doughnuts.))

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In a few days, I’m meeting with someone about volunteering for an organization I want to help with. I have no idea who this person is or what the meeting is about. I’m just going to show up and see what happens. Now that I think about it, that’s kind of how I write. I just jump in and see where it takes me. Apparently this is where I went today.

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